Scout Terms

The terms and words used in Cub Scouts can be confusing for new and even returning scouts and families. Below are some of the terms you may hear as you and your family join scouts and work towards completing your advancements.

Advancement – The progression that moves the Cub Scouts from rank to rank.

Adventure – Adventures are “collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities representing approximately three den meetings’ worth of engaging content.” Tigers, Wolves, and Bears complete seven adventures to earn their rank badge. Webelos complete six adventures for their rank, and Arrows of Light complete five.

Akela – Anyone who is a leader to the Cub Scout. Akela can be a parent, teacher, den leader, Cubmaster, or any other adult who helps guide the Cub Scout.

Arrow of Light – The highest rank a Cub Scout can achieve. The Arrow of Light (AoL) badge is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Scouts BSA uniform.

Blue and Gold Banquet – This is our yearly banquet where scouts who have earned their rank requirements will be awarded that rank, and our Arrow of Light scouts bridge to the Troop. Cub Scouts often bring their whole families including grandparents. Our Pack generally has Blue and Gold Banquet in March, and it is planned by our Webelos and AoL families.

Buddy System – The buddy system is used to help Cub Scouts look out for each other. At Cub Scout events, especially outdoor activities, kids should find a partner. The buddies go everywhere together and know where each other is at all times. This helps ensure that the kids always have a partner to help him or her if they get lost or hurt.

Chartered Organization – Community or faith-based organizations that own and operate Cub Scout packs. They work under a “charter” from the Scout BSA.

Class A Uniform – This is the official uniform of Cub Scouts. Lions, Tigers, Wolves and Bears wear a blue shirt, while Webelos and AoLs wear the khaki Scouts BSA shirt. “Class A uniform” is not a BSA official term, but it is widely used by packs.

Class B/Field Uniform – Class B/Field uniforms are Scouting-related t-shirts. They can be pack t-shirts, day camp t-shirts, or any other Scouting t-shirt.

Council – A council is a service center, chartered by the Boy Scouts of America, that is responsible for Scouting within its geographical area. Pack 761 is part of SWFL Council which is located in Fort Myers, FL.

Crossover or Bridging – A Special ceremony where a Webelos Cub Scout “crosses over” or “bridges” from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. It symbolizes the Scouts' induction into their Scouts BSA troop.

Cubmaster – A Cubmaster is the “face” of the pack. Cubmasters help plan and carry out the Cub Scout program in his or her pack. They support and motivate den leaders and parents. The Cubmaster serves as the emcee for pack meetings and other events. Cubmasters and pack committees work together to develop fun program ideas and activities.

Den – A den is a group of Scouts who are in the same grade. They work together to advance to the next level of Cub Scouts.

Den Chief – An older Scout who is a member of Scouts BSA who has been selected to work with a Cub Scout den. They assist with den activities and serve as a role model (and often a friend) to the kids in the den. The den chief position is considered a leadership role by the Scouts BSA troop.

District – The geographic territory within a council is divided into districts. Districts vary in size. Some may span multiple counties, while others are one county. There may be multiple districts within one county, depending on its size. Pack 761 is part of the Panther District located in Lee County, FL. The District office is located on Boy Scout Drive in Fort Myers.

District Executive – The District Executive (DE) is a paid employee of the local council. His or her role is to support Scouting in the district. Our District Executive is Kevin Lane.

Pack – A Cub Scout pack is a collection of dens of all ranks. The pack organizes the dens, holds monthly meetings, and conducts larger events such as the Pinewood Derby or Blue & Gold banquet. Packs belong to a community organization, such as a church or a service club, which is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America to operate the Scouting program.

Pinewood Derby – Cub Scout racing event. With help from their parents, Cub Scouts design and build a race car using a kit that contains a block of wood, plastic wheels, and axles made from nails. Our Pinewood Derby is generally held in February.

Rank – Cub Scouts are grouped by grade or age into specific ranks. Kindergarteners are Lions, first graders are Tigers, second graders are Wolves, third graders are Bears, fourth graders are Webelos, and fifth graders are Arrows of Light. Some people call fifth graders “Webelos,” but they're working on the Arrow of Light rank.

The Scouts work toward their rank badge throughout the year. For example, the second grader is a Wolf, but they don't get their Wolf rank badge until they complete seven Wolf adventures. After earning rank requirements scouts can continue to work on electives for their rank until the end of the scout year on May 31st.

Scoutbook - This term has changed over the years. "Scoutbook" use to refer more to the book each scout carries with them to mark their completed activities and adventures. Today this refers more to the online portal we use to record our rank advancements, share events, and send communications - . All parents should have a log-in to this system, if you do not please contact Sam or Rebecca. The book each scout carries is now more commonly referred to as their Rank Book.

Webelos – This rank's name has special meaning. It stands for WE'll BE LOyal Scouts. Always use the S even when referring to one Webelos. So, one Webelos, not one Webelo.

Whittling Chip – The Whittling Chip is an award a Cub Scout can earn that gives them the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to specifically designated events. To earn the Whittling Chip, Cub Scouts have to know how to safely use and care for a pocketknife, make a carving, and promise to abide by the knife safety guidelines and the pocketknife pledge.